Petersen Automotive Museum Features Liberace Rolls Royce

In a new strategic alliance with the Petersen Automotive Museum in Los Angeles, The Liberace Museum Collection has begun its first exhibit at the famed Wilshire Boulevard facility.  “Town Cars:  Arriving in Style” features the mirrored Liberace Phantom V Rolls Royce.  The exhibit runs until February of 2015.

One thought on “Petersen Automotive Museum Features Liberace Rolls Royce

  1. ….it’s ABOUT Time….we love ’em…..saw six shows….was in one of the houses in West Holly-a friend was remodelling…hope Mr. Warren keeps it going….he must have-with ALL Lib’s papers….left a sizeable Estate!….missed the re-broadcast….didn’t see it adverised! ….I play his style and people love it in the expensive restaurants and hotels…..D Savoy

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